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Sunday, March 20, 2011

240sx: The Build pt. IV

OK, it's been a while, but I have accomplished a lot on the 240. I have driven it for the past week and I'm quite surprised at how little it needs. here's the updates:

 This is what the front inner fenders look like.  I had to pound and massage that inner lip as flat as possible to get the front as low as I want with minimal rubbing.  Once I took care of that, I was able to lower the front down by about 2".

These pictures give you an idea of how much I lowered the front. In the first picture, I had already loosened the black collar from the shock body and threaded all the way up to the red spring collars. In the second picture, you can see that I threaded the shock in the lower part of the body to effectively lower the car.  By threading the shock into the lower body, I did not loose any travel in the shock.

This is how the 240 looks now.  I'd like to get it a little lower, but won't do that until I am able to roll and pull the fenders out farther.

And here's one last shot I took after driving it to work. 

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